Drivers need to comply with several Alabama regulations to legally operate motor vehicles. They have to secure a driver's license by passing an educational course and state testing. They have to register their vehicles and display a license plate on them. They also...
Prepared to Practice
Are field sobriety tests mandatory in Alabama?
During an impaired driving traffic stop, a police officer looks for evidence of intoxication. Every step that they take comes from a desire to build a criminal case. They ask drivers questions that can implicate them. They may also ask drivers to perform tests when...
What can a plea deal accomplish?
A felony conviction can have a much more significant effect on your life than a misdemeanor conviction. Aside from the differences in prison time and other penalties, it can be harder to get a job and more difficult to get the charge expunged from your record after...
Can you tell how drunk you are? Probably not
A lot of drunk driving arrests take the drivers by surprise – and you may wonder, “Didn’t they realize they were too drunk to drive?” Probably not – and you probably aren’t any better at judging your own sobriety levels, either. Blame it on your friends – mostly...
What can a driver do if they spot a DUI roadblock ahead?
Some people get arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) allegations because of a car crash. Others get pulled over by a police officer because of something they do while driving. Those one-on-one enforcement efforts can help hold individuals accountable when...
2 times an Alabama DUI charge will be classified as a felony offense
A driving under the influence (DUI) offense is one of the most serious traffic violations possible in Alabama. The state will pursue criminal charges rather than simply issuing a ticket, and potential penalties include the loss of someone's driver's license and...
2 types of sobriety tests
The police can pull over vehicles that are under suspicion of engaging in criminal activity or may engage in criminal activities. One example of suspicious activity is drunk driving. When an officer pulls over a driver for drunk driving, they’ll conduct an interview...
Does blowing less than .08 on a Breathalyzer mean no arrest?
You’re absolutely certain that you didn’t drink enough to actually be impaired, or you never would have gotten behind the wheel of your vehicle. Unfortunately, the officer who stopped you doesn’t seem to agree. The next thing you know, you’re being asked to take a...
What happens to your driver’s license after a DUI charge?
Many people worry first about jail time after an arrest because a police officer suspected them of a driving under the influence (DUI) infraction. They don't want to end up separated from their families or potentially losing their jobs just because of a traffic stop....
Did law enforcement make a mistake during your DUI arrest?
It’s normal to feel scared when stopped by the police as you drive. However, the stakes may be higher if you’re pulled over for a suspected DUI. There are specific procedures that the police should follow when making a DUI stop and subsequent arrest, and when they...